Thursday, January 21, 2016

Don't Fritter Away Your Life; Just Eat Them!

Canadian British West Indian fritters were new to me when I ate them at my cousin Dave and Audrey's home in Chateauguay, Canada just outside Montreal. It was amazing how flour, water and a little salt fried in 
oil could be so tasty. I've been making these fritters for thirty years myself and I love when my son, Derek and my niece, Nicole ask me for the recipe. The last time I made them at my son's apartment he was looking over my shoulder to see the consistency.  That's the trick you see! It has to have the consistency of a pancake batter.  A few weeks ago my niece, Nicole sent me a video of  her batter which was a little too thick.

I should tell you why I call them Canadian British West Indian fritters before I give you the recipe. My family emigrated from different parts of the British West Indies -Barbados, St.Vincent and The Grenadines to American and Canada.

Canadian British West Indian Fritters
2 cups Pillsbury Flour
1 1/2 cups of water with
1 tsp. salt (to taste) dissolved.
Corn or Canola oil
It is not optional to use any other flour.  Pillsbury flour 
tastes similar to Canadian flour.

 Preheat a half inch of oil in a medium frying pan as you make the fritter batter.
In a deep bowl put two cups of flour then add the salted water stirring until the consistency of pancake batter. It's OK to add more water if you have to.  I make it at the sink and add tap water as I go. Taste the batter for saltiness before you add more water.  You don't want bland fritters nor do you want over salted fritters.
I pour them into the hot oil because I use a pitcher mixing bowl but cousin Dave always spoons them in two- inch circles or ovals.  You probably won't get the recipe right the first time.  If you at least use Pillsbury flour they will be light and tasty.  When they brown on one side turn them over and brown on the other. My pan usually makes five fritters at a time.  It's a good idea to make one first to see if you have the oil at the perfect temperature to brown not burn. Drain on paper towels. Serve with eggs and bacon, ham, buttered, plain,or with jelly.